Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hello! This will be a short update since im very busy right now. Just wanted to say,only 3 weeks left before im turning 15! I don't want to turn 15... i wanna be forever 14 hehe. But time wont stop, it won't wait for me.  So yah? Enjoying my very very last 3 weeks being 14. I shouldn't mention AGAIN that i will be facing big exam next year on 2012 which is PMR while he will be facing SPM. Ahhhh this is just so sad. I don't want to face this,fml. I should end this... bye !

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Assalammualikum, It's third of December already. See how fast time flies .. Less than one month we're leaving 2011. Ya Allah,how fast. May Allah bless our Saturday and have a nice Saturday ahead! :) I'm going to Pahang tomorrow morning,My sister's lappy is currently not working so yeah she will borrow mine. Well nevermind,my dad's going to lend his lappy to me. Holiday seems about to end .. Heh am i the only one who feel this ? seriously ? am i the only ONE ? Next year im going to face PMR while sayang is going to face SPM. He's going to be busy ... really busy haih same goes to me.Going to movie in a bit,so yah bye ! X


Assalammualaikum people. Alhamdulilah,Malaysia won :'> I'm so proud to be malaysian,well at least we didnt cheat or burn the flag of another country. So ya,accept the fact okay? Stupids accusations wont change anything. Malaysia boleh v_v Enough about football,this maybe a little too late but hello December. There's lots of December wish. I shouldn't list it here cause ya,i tell ya too lot. Dear December,treat me nice and yes may this month going to be the best month before we're leaving 2011. Less than one month we're entering 2012.I shouldn't tweet more since it's 3:30 am hehe so yah going to hit the bed,night ! X

Monday, November 21, 2011

good and bad.

Assalammualikum readers. Yesterday was 20.11.2011. Everything goes well,well um nothing really happen. Then 20.11.2011 turns bad and sad ... Anis Anissa 12 years old girl passed away due to asthma attack. Ya Allah, she's too young to face this. But i believed, she's in a good place with Allah there. Allah love her more :') To her family and friends just be strong even thought we dont know her, as a muslim lets pray for her. Rest in peace there, Al-Fatihah. I've learnt Allah can take anyone life anytime and anywhere. And today, 21.11.2011. Happy 6 monthesary sayang. Thanks for everything from a-z Emad Ibrahim. InsyaAllah we'll stay longer Amin :] Iloveyou sayang.