Monday, November 21, 2011

good and bad.

Assalammualikum readers. Yesterday was 20.11.2011. Everything goes well,well um nothing really happen. Then 20.11.2011 turns bad and sad ... Anis Anissa 12 years old girl passed away due to asthma attack. Ya Allah, she's too young to face this. But i believed, she's in a good place with Allah there. Allah love her more :') To her family and friends just be strong even thought we dont know her, as a muslim lets pray for her. Rest in peace there, Al-Fatihah. I've learnt Allah can take anyone life anytime and anywhere. And today, 21.11.2011. Happy 6 monthesary sayang. Thanks for everything from a-z Emad Ibrahim. InsyaAllah we'll stay longer Amin :] Iloveyou sayang.

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